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FZ1 VarioMaster
Tower Suction-for 2 Station

Good reasons for an FZ1

I Low noise and low maintenance (thanks to a brushless vacuum motor offering bypass air cooling and sophisticated acoustic isolation of the exhaust stream).

I Permanent filter with automatic filter cleaning system. No filter bags.

I Separately exchangeable and inexpensive filter cartridges for particle separation and fine filtration.

I High-performance vacuum for use with belt sanders and sandblasters.

I Can be expanded via external position openers to accommodate up to four alternatively used vacuum positions.

I More room at the workspace.
I Comes ready with an exhaust connection,

but recirculation is also an option.

I High-grade components and modular design for long service life and easy maintenance


Vibration cleaned

filter cartridge

How well a vacuum system per- forms will depend on the quality of the filter material and on the effi- ciency of the cleaning function of the filter. In addition to the brush- less vacuum motor, the FZ1 VARIOmaster® utilizes a highly sophisticated filter technology.

The filters are arranged such that they can vibrate freely inside the housing. High-grade vibration equip- ment creates extremely powerful vibration, thus ensuring that dust layers are eliminated from the filter surface time after time.


Automatic vacuum port openers

AP501 modules will allow the FZ1 VARIOmaster® to be configured for up to 4 vacuum positions. Each AP501 offers connectivity for any uni- versal controllers or laboratory equip- ment with up to 1000 W of power consumption. Its electronic control offers sensitivity adjustment to match

the connected (dust-generating) equip- ment, switches the vacuum position valve, and connects to the suction unit via a control cable.

Both the valve and the control unit are always located at the workspace. This makes installation very easy and trans- parent. Several vacuum positions can be connected to the same pipeline.


Dust container

(No filter bags)

The high performance of this filter system comes into its own in very high-dirt areas. The use of a long- lasting filter cartridge eliminates the need for filter bags, thus greatly reducing operating costs.

All dust coming from the connected vacuum positions is collected in a container, which is emptied as needed.

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